Family Fitness Tips and Resources
In a day and age of easy sedentary screen entertainment AND feeling the busyness of work and life commitments, it can be far too easy to not hit the recommended amount of exercise: Adults: 150′ of moderate exercise or 90′ of vigorous exercise per week Kids/Teens: 300′ of vigorous exercise per week! Time and energy…

Cesarean Birth Prep and Recovery Tips and Resources
Cesarean birth is the most common surgery performed in the US. What is it? A surgery to assist in delivering a baby that cannot be delivered vaginally for whatever the reason may be. Why do they do it? Cesareans can happen for a variety of reasons – due to medical complications involving mom and/or baby,…

Pelvic Health Tips and Resources
What is pelvic health PT? Pelvic health (women’s, men’s, pediatric, and transgender health) physical therapy is a niche practice of physical therapy that specifically focuses on pelvic and abdominal health issues. It is strongly recommended that physical therapy providers treating these conditions receive extra training in the area of pelvic and abdominal health interventions, but…

Postpartum Tips and Resources
Beyond “Listen to your body” – A Guide to Safe Postpartum Exercise and Recovery

Climbing Tips and Resources
As with any challenging activity, climbing doesn’t come without risk for potential injury, but the reward of adventure, fun, mountain top views, and improved strength and fitness is worth it! The resources below are intended to help you with the following with your climbing: Help you manage injuries while still being able to climb Reduce…

Running Tips and Resources
Running is one of the best exercises we can do for our bodies. Our bodies NEED 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity or 75-100 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic exercise EVERY week as recommended by WHO. A brisk walk to light jog qualifies as moderate and a moderate intensity jog (5k pace or faster) qualifies as…

Fitness Forward Lifestyle Decreases Risk for Death. Let’s Play Offense!
If there is one thing that was made clear during the COVID-19 pandemic it’s that we value human life. And appropriately so! Our life is something to cherish and protect as much as we can. As of November 2024, the top 10 causes of death for the last three years (1-3): Rank Cause of Death…

The 7 Foundational Patterns to Movement
Look anywhere online these days and you can find a million and one movement and exercise experts telling you how weak you are and how much you stink at movement. I’m here to tell you, you are strong, but you can be stronger. You move fine, but you can move better. As complex as movement…

Strength Athlete Tips and Resources
Our mission is to move ALL to excel in health, wellness, and life. To do this, we HAVE to be pushing all people toward fitness. Here are the helpful resources we discuss in this blog all in one spot: Fitness Forward Lifestyle blog 7 Foundational Movement Patterns 6 Pillars of Health The definition of fitness:…

Pelvic Pain Relief Tips and Resources
Nearly 25% of the world’s population suffer with chronic pelvic pain; conditions may include, but are not limited to: Endometriosis Adenomyosis IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome Myofascial pelvic pain Pelvic venous disorders/pelvic congestion syndrome Pudendal neuralgia Vulvar pain conditions Pelvic pain can impact bowel and bladder function, intimacy, and tolerance to everyday…
Blog Posts
- Strength Athlete Tips and Resources November 17, 2023
- Family Fitness Tips and Resources September 7, 2023
- Pelvic Pain Relief Tips and Resources June 15, 2023
- Cesarean Birth Prep and Recovery Tips and Resources April 24, 2023
- Caregiver Self Care Tips and Resources February 10, 2023
- Controlling Constipation January 11, 2023
- Controlling Urinary Urgency January 11, 2023
- Pelvic Health Tips and Resources December 9, 2022
- 5th Pillar of Health: Nutrition November 15, 2022
- 6th Pillar of Health: Exercise and Activity November 11, 2022
- Postpartum Tips and Resources August 19, 2022
- Golf Tips and Resources June 2, 2022
- Gardening and Yardwork Tips and Resources May 27, 2022
- Climbing Tips and Resources April 14, 2022
- Health, Wellness, and Fitness Resources January 3, 2022
- Walking Tips and Resources December 3, 2021
- Running Tips and Resources September 23, 2021
- Running Training Plans August 1, 2021
- 7 Foundational Movement Patterns Strength Progression Charts June 5, 2021
- EMOMs, AMRAP, AQAPs, and Tabatas, Oh My! Time Based Workouts Overview May 8, 2021
- Family Park Workouts May 4, 2021
- Hurt vs. Harm: Understanding Pain February 20, 2021
- Should I See a Physical Therapist? January 2, 2021
- Fitness Forward Lifestyle Decreases Risk for Death. Let’s Play Offense! November 16, 2020
- 5 Strengthening Exercises for Runners November 11, 2020
- Low Back Pain and Sciatica Tips and Resources September 28, 2020
- Proper Backpack Fit and Weight for Kids September 15, 2020
- The 7 Foundational Patterns to Movement September 11, 2020
- Kid, Teen, Family 15 Minute Workouts September 9, 2020
- The BEST Pain Medicine August 14, 2020
- How to Improve Your Soccer Performance and Decrease Your Risk for ACL and Other Injuries August 11, 2020
- Why Everybody Should Deadlift, Squat, and Farmer Carry July 27, 2020
- How to Improve Your Ankle Mobility and Make it Stick! June 6, 2020
- How Hard Do I Push Myself with Exercise? May 26, 2020
- 6 Pillars of Health April 21, 2020
- Life Hack: Just Get a Little Bit Better Every Day April 11, 2020
- COVID-19 Health, Wellness, and Fitness Resources April 6, 2020
- What is Telehealth Physical Therapy? Does it work? March 30, 2020
- RICE No More. POP is the Best Method to Recover Faster. March 14, 2020
- Why You Should Work Overhead Mobility and Strength March 10, 2020
- The Healing Motion Difference March 7, 2020