Short answer, YES! As Doctors of Physical Therapy, we are the experts at these two things that every person needs.
1. Reducing Current and Future Pain
2. Maximizing Quality of Life and Fitness
We have a simple 3 step process to accomplish those above 2 outcomes.

1. Identify the SOURCE of your Pain and reduce it! (Bail water out of the boat)
We identify WHAT body tissue and factors are causing your pain and have a multitude of tools to use to decrease your pain quickly. Whether your pain requires joint mobilization or manipulation, soft tissue massage with hands or tools, cupping, taping, compression, bracing, or activity modification, we can do it all. Based on our conversations with our patient, their goals, and our objective examination, we determine which single or combination of interventions is best to decrease pain quickly.
Of note, we do make sure to rule out any other systemic causes of your symptoms that could be more serious. If there is any concern, we will refer you immediately to your Primary Care Physician for further evaluation.
2. Address the CAUSE of your Pain (Find and Fix the Leaks in the Boat)
We also identify WHY your pain developed in the first place. Usually an individual has flexibility, strength, and/or lifestyle factors that are contributing to excess stress on the painful tissue. We identify these factors and help you improve upon them with the manual therapy techniques described above, flexibility and strength exercises, body mechanics and movement training, and education.
In doing this, you have decreased pain and improved function in the areas of life that matter most to you. Hence, you improve your quality of life.
3. Maximize Health, Wellness, and Fitness (Build a Better Boat!)
Finally, we consider all areas of your health under our 6 Pillars of Health. We help give you the tools and resources, or refer you to any necessary experts in those fields, to maximize your fitness and overall health and wellness. The healthier and fit and individual, again, the better quality of life.
So, YES! You should see a Physical Therapist! The Healing Motion difference is that we have tailored our entire business model around these 2 principles to help move you to excel in health, wellness, and life! Even if Physical Therapy hasn’t “worked for you” in the past, we believe we do things differently enough that we can make it “work” and help reduce your pain and maximize your quality of life!
To accomplish the above, we offer the following services:
1. Rehabilitation
This is classic Physical Therapy care. If you have pain, this is the service we provide to reduce your pain and maximize your quality of life.
2. Primary Care Physical Therapy
Just like you have annual visits with your Primary Care Physician to assess your health and catch any issues before they become problems, we believe you should have occasional visits with your Physical Therapist. We will catch any issues you should see your physician about and to catch any flexibility, strength, or lifestyle issues that could contribute to increased risk of injury and pain in the future and provide you a plan to reduce that risk. We will review your 6 Pillars of Health and refer you to any other specialists that can help you with any pillars you can improve upon.
3. Performance Training
If you want to improve your performance at your sport or activity and decrease your risk for injury, this service is for you! More info can be found here.
4. Recovery Services
We offer Normatec Compression services as well as well as manual treatments including manipulation, massage, cupping, taping and more to help improve your performance and avoid pain limiting it, rather than waiting until it does. Learn more here.
5. Workplace Health and Injury Risk Reduction
We love partnering with our local companies to help them improve their workplace health and to work on programs to reduce workplace injuries and overall costs. Contact us for more info!
6. Community Education
We love educating all demographics within our community from schools to gyms to assisted living facilities about well rounded health and exercise. Contact us if you’d like us to present to your group or organization!
7. Supporting our Local Non-Profits
We have a heart to love as we are loved. To do this, we regularly support our local non-profits both monetarily and with our time and support. Contact us if you’d like us to support your local non-profit!
Since we’ve determined we can all benefit from seeing a Physical Therapist, go ahead and request an appointment now!
We look forward to working with you!
– The Healing Motion PT Team