- Sign our Telehealth Consent Form. We cannot treat without it.
- Sign our Telehealth ABN (Medicare) or Non-Covered Services Waiver (all other insurances). If your insurance does not cover Telehealth rehabilitation services, this must be received prior to treatment.
- Determine what device you will use. We recommend a charged laptop with a web cam so that you can move it around the room and tilt the screen. Any tablet or mobile device will work, however it will need to be propped so that you can be hands-free.
- Visit our Telehealth waiting room to check-in prior to your session to ensure you will have no technical difficulties. We recommend having two different we browsers available in case doxy.me is not supported in one of them.
- Arrange for NOBODY else in your home to be streaming during our session. This includes any videos, video games, etc., which can greatly affect the quality of the video.
- Select an area in your home that will have ample space, as well as any equipment that you have available to perform guided self-massage/mobilization techniques and exercise. Equipment may include a foam roller, tennis/lacrosse balls, an exercise/swiss/yoga ball, resistance bands, dumbbells, etc.